Dental Treatment | Ameno Life

Dental Treatment

Dental Treatment

Nowadays, people want healthy teeth in addition to getting white teeth. You can have magnificent-looking and healthy teeth with many corrective and complementary surgical and aesthetic operations. You can smile with Smile Aesthetics, made with expert doctors and the proper medical materials.

Ameno Life has adopted the principle of 100% patient satisfaction with its professional consultancy service, contracted state-of-the-art hospitals and expert doctor staff. In addition to applying the correct treatment method, we provide the perfect teeth and smile you desire with our professional consultancy.

A dental implant is a special material placed in bone tissue to replace lost teeth. These artificial roots, set in the jawbone instead of missing teeth, can be used for a lifetime. Prostheses made on these roots complete the chewing function and aesthetic appearance.

In laser-assisted dental treatments, in addition to reducing the healing process, patients return to their daily lives is also very short. Laser-assisted implant treatments can be applied to areas where bone volume is sufficient. With the seamless treatment method, there is no pain and the recovery period is very short. It is an FDA-approved treatment method for tooth decay, gum disease, and teeth whitening.

A beautiful smile is not only achieved with white teeth. For a beautiful smile, your gums must be healthy, and your teeth must be in proportion. With Hollywood Smile, teeth, gums, the proportions of teeth and lip harmony are ensured to achieve a magnificent smile.

Teeth whitening is a method that aims to revitalize tooth enamel that has lost its color. There are methods of teeth whitening such as laser, ultrasonic and bleaching. With these methods, you can whiten your teeth by 8-10 shades.

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