Plastic Surgery | Ameno Life

Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery

Although plastic surgery constitutes the majority of aesthetic surgery, it includes many disciplines that serve different purposes within the field of plastic surgery. Aesthetic operations can accompany the solution of medical problems apart from the sense of beauty. For example, breathing problems can be fixed together by shaping the nose during Rhinoplasty.

Body aesthetic methods remove deformations that occur after obesity surgery or after birth. Thus, problems in the skin and skeletal structure are solved thanks to plastic surgery, and future issues are prevented.

Ameno Life has adopted the principle of 100% patient satisfaction with its professional consultancy service, the latest technological hospitals it has contracted with and specialist doctor staff. We bring you the healthy and aesthetic beauty of your dreams with professional consultancy. We also assist in selecting and implementing the most suitable method for you.

Facial Aesthetics

Structural defects in the nose, which is one of the most striking organs in the human face, can cause the person to be negatively affected socially and psychologically. This problem can lead to the emergence of health problems. Nose aesthetics, also known as Rhinoplasty, is a surgical operation performed to change the physical appearance and to ease breathing by improving some breathing difficulties.

Considering these aspects, Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics) is applied in terms of health and aesthetics. Today, different and effective surgical techniques are used for Rhinoplasty with the effect of advancing medicine and technological innovations.

Your doctor chooses the most suitable method for you in the first examination by evaluating your aesthetic demands and medical needs.

Wrinkles, laxation and sagging of the facial skin over the years, as well as subcutaneous fat in different parts of the face, make you look older than you are. Changes in your skin and facial bones cause the face to look older. You can significantly eliminate such aesthetic problems with the facelift operation. There are many types of facelift procedures. The most important of these are as follows:

  • Mini Face Lift: Mini Facelift is a procedure applied to the jawline, cheeks and neck area. This technique, which can be preferred in patients with mild to moderate loosening and sagging problems, performs the surgery in a way that includes the limited area passing around the ear and hairline. This method's postoperative recovery period is shorter than the standard facelift procedure.
  • Mid-facelift: Mid-facelift is especially preferred for sagging around the eyes and cheeks. In this process, the face area is reached with an incision through the temple area's hair. By releasing the skin and subcutaneous tissues over the facial bones, tension can be achieved in the deep plane. This method is generally preferred in relatively young patients when signs of ageing have just started.
  • Deep Plane Facelift: Deep Plane Facelift is a surgical procedure performed with an incision starting from the temple area, rotating around the ear and continuing within the hairline behind the ear. In this surgical method, very effective and long-term results can be obtained by working on deep tissue planes and in the area that will include the entire face and upper neck region under broad vision. With this technique, ideal results are usually obtained in patients over 50 years of age with significant excess skin and sagging in the face and neck area. Moreover, making the incision line within the natural skin folds hides the scar.
  • Ear aesthetics is the process of correcting protruding ears and returning them to their normal position. Poor appearance is restored with ear aesthetics. Genetic reasons mostly cause the main ear problem. The function of the ear is normal, but it causes aesthetic anxiety.

    Prominent ear correction is usually done with a small incision behind the ear. The angle between the ear and the head is narrowed by using special techniques behind the ear. In addition, drooping and enlarged earlobes can also give an aesthetic appearance.

    Chin aesthetics is a treatment applied for patients with a developmentally small, prominent, forward or backward chin and highly narrow or wide jaw angles. Chin aesthetics includes many different operations. In some cases, interdisciplinary studies are carried out with Orthodontics. The following operations can be performed in chin aesthetics.

  • Jaw Prosthesis Applications
  • Jaw Tip Shifting
  • Orthographic Surgery
  • Chin Fillers
  • Chin Prosthesis
  • Chin Botox
  • You can contact our Ameno Life professional consultancy services to get detailed information about chin aesthetic surgery techniques and find out which is suitable for you.

    Sagging upper eyelids and under-eye bags around the eyes impair the patient's vision and cause vision problems. At the same time, when we communicate with people and look at ourselves in the mirror, the old, unhappy, tired and sullen expression draws attention to our eye area, where we focus the most.

    Aesthetics around the eyes is one of the most frequently performed surgical operations with laser technology worldwide. After the operation, the patient recovers within 3-4 days and starts to look at life more confidently with a youthful appearance around the eyes.

    Eyebrow drooping not only impairs the aesthetic appearance, but also hinders the quality of vision by causing agglomeration on the eyelid. With brow lift surgery, tired and unhappy appearance can be corrected and an aesthetic and youthful appearance can be obtained. However, Eyebrow lift can be done to get rid of the feeling of heaviness on the eye and open the field of vision. This process also leads to improvement in visual function.

    There are many surgical and non-surgical eyebrow lifting methods in accordance with the anatomical structure and needs of the person. The most common applications are eyebrow suspension, eyebrow lift and temple lift surgery.

    Face Fat Injection is processing the fat taken from your body and applying it to the desired area to fill the fat cells lost over time in your face area.

    Fat injection renews the areas where natural sagging occurs due to ageing, especially the cheeks, the upper part of the cheekbones, temples, jaw line and the chin area. The fat is obtained from the patient's abdomen, hips, waist or legs. It has more natural and lasting effects compared to other fillings.

    Bichectomy removes the inner cheek fat with an incision of approximately 1 cm from the inside of the cheek. It gives you the Hollywood Cheek by visually separating the jawline and cheekbones.

    The operation takes about 30-45 minutes, and the patient can return to his daily life after resting under surveillance in the clinic for 2 hours. Since the procedure is performed from the inside of the cheek, no incision marks are visible on the patient's face.

    Neck Lift is a procedure that removes sagging skin under the chin, lubrication in the neck area, deformations and all the negativities caused by gravity. It is an operation that provides a taut and flat appearance and results very well. It is generally applied in combination with a "Face Lift". Depending on the need, a series of plastic surgery operations can be used together. These surgeries are;

  • Cervicoplasty: The sagging skin is tightened or removed.
  • Platysmaplasty: The tight bands on the neck are corrected. The muscles in the neck are tightened.
  • Liposuction: The fat under the chin in the neck is directly removed.
  • Breast Aesthetics

    Breasts are one of the most important aesthetic elements in the female body. After puberty, the size of the breasts may not be enough to make the patient happy. A woman who is developmentally pleased with the size of her breasts may be unhappy with her deformed, sagging and softened appearance due to the loss of fullness of her breasts after advancing age, weight change, childbirth and breastfeeding periods.

    The patient's existing breast tissue, sagging breasts, chest wall structure and diameter are evaluated during the first examination. The procedures are decided in line with the patient's expectations.

    The most permanent and reliable method is breast augmentation surgery with a prosthesis. Breast surgeries are performed with general anesthesia. The operations take approximately 1.5 – 2 hours. There are two types of breast prostheses: filled with silicone gel or saline (saline).

    During the first examination, your doctor will decide on the most suitable type and size of the prosthesis for you, considering your wishes, existing breast tissue and chest wall. The place where the incision will be made;

  • From the under-breast fold
  • Around the nipple
  • Under the armpit
  • The location of the incision may vary according to the patient's wishes and anatomy, the size of the prosthesis to be placed, and the surgeon's preference. The place where the prosthesis will be placed;

  • Under the breast tissue
  • Under the muscle that is below the breast tissue
  • When choosing the plan where the prosthesis will be placed, the patient's current breast tissue and skin thickness, whether there is sagging in the breast, and the patient's personal preferences are necessary.

    If there is a sagging problem in the breast, breast augmentation and recovery surgery are performed at the same time as breast augmentation with a silicone prosthesis. You can return home the same day, or your doctor may want you to stay in the hospital overnight. Although it is possible to return to working life in a few days, attention should be paid not to lifting heavy for a while and arm movements.

    With Breast Reduction surgery, severe back pain caused by huge breasts, spinal problems and wound problems under the breasts are eliminated. Psychological problems caused by large breasts and breasts that show excessive growth in adolescence also increase the risk of breast cancer. In such cases, Breast Reduction operation becomes obligatory.

    The biggest problem experienced by post-adolescent mothers-to-be patients is breastfeeding problems. This operation, which is vital for breastfeeding, must be performed correctly. It is essential not to damage the nipple, milk ducts and milk glands during the surgery. With breast reduction surgery, excess fat and tissue around the breasts are removed, and the breasts are brought to the desired healthy size.

    With the effect of weight gain and loss, birth and breastfeeding, advancing age and gravity, sagging breasts that look like they are empty may occur. In such cases, the breast skin loses its elasticity and the connective tissue that connects the breast to the chest muscles loosens. As a result of this relaxation, adipose tissue, skin, and nipples hang down.

    The sagging breast tissue is reshaped with aesthetic Breast Lifting surgery, and the downward-facing nipples are brought to the required position and size. Excess skin that has lost its elasticity is removed by creating the desired breast shape.

    The postoperative period is usually comfortable. Patients are advised to rest for 5-7 days and wear a sports bra for six weeks. It is recommended to avoid heavy sports for three months after Breast Lifting surgery. It will be necessary to use a special bra that the doctor deems appropriate for a while. In the early period, there may be swelling of the breast, purplish color changes and temporary numbness of the nipple.

    Gynecomastia is a breast reduction surgery that aims to provide men with healthy, dynamic, fit and athletic breasts. It is a body-shaping operation to eliminate lubrication, growth, sagging and cracking in this area.

    Gynecomastia is the growth of glandular breast tissue caused by an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone hormones. It can occur in the mammary gland and adipose tissue excess.

  • Liposuction (removal of extra breast fat) : Excess fat is loosened by the action of the cannula, and this fat is then removed from the body by vacuum suction.
  • Excision (removal of mammary gland tissue) : It is the preferred technique when glandular breast tissue or excess skin needs to be removed to correct gynecomastia. In some cases, gynecomastia is treated with both liposuction and excision.
  • Breast reduction surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. The operation takes about 1.5 hours. Patients usually need to stay in the hospital overnight.

    Body Aesthetics

    Liposuction is a surgical method applied to people who do not have weight problems but have regional lubrication problems. In this method, the excess fat tissue in the body is vacuumed through 1-2 mm incisions with thin and long cannulas with a diameter of 2-3 mm.

    Liposuction is generally applied to give the body a better aesthetic appearance. It is mostly applied to areas where stubborn lubrication and regional excesses are seen, such as hips, hips, abdomen, waist and knees.

    Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) is the correction of the sagging skin structure with the loss of elasticity of the skin in the abdominal region by plastic surgery. During tummy tuck aesthetics (Abdominoplasty), excess skin and fatty tissue are removed, the abdominal connective tissue is tightened with stitches and a tauter, flat stomach is obtained.

    These operations are generally preferred by those with excessive fat in the belly area, those with saggy abdominal skin and those with a weak abdominal wall. The reason for the loss of elasticity in the skin in the abdomen is excessive weight gain and loss after pregnancy, age-related deformations, and some abdominal surgeries.

    In women, these problems are eliminated by applying Mommy Makeover surgery, especially after childbirth. Abdominoplasty operations give long-lasting results, provided that the patient pays attention to weight gain.

    The Brazilian butt lift is a specialized fat transfer procedure that increases the size and shape of the hips without implants. It is carried out in two stages:

  • Liposuction: Excess fat in the hips, abdomen, waist or thighs is removed by liposuction.
  • Fat Injection: The extracted fat is purified and a certain amount is injected into the buttocks to achieve the desired shape.
  • If there is a lack of tissue in the butt and hip area, the butt appears low and hangs over the leg. In addition, if fat is on the waist and back, feminine lines disappear. The Brazilian Butt Lift operation reshapes the abdomen, butt and upper leg areas, revealing feminine lines aesthetically.

    Due to factors such as age, genetics and excessive weight gain and loss, sagging, and deformities may occur in the arms as a result of decreased skin elasticity. These deformations, which cause the person to look old and unhealthy, can be corrected by arm lift surgery. With an arm lift, the person can have tauter and younger-looking arms.

    Arm lift surgery can be performed alone or in combination with other body lift operations. This operation can be combined with the tummy tuck, leg lift, facelift and breast aesthetics.

    Six pack is an effective operation that is mainly preferred by men and gives the appearance of muscle in the abdominal region. In particular, the thinning of the waist area and the procedure, which creates a precise contour in the abdomen, gives the person a more fit and younger appearance.

    It includes slimming the waist area with liposuction, fat injection to clarify the abdominal contours by purifying the fat taken, as well as tummy tuck procedures if deemed necessary.

    Thigh Lifting operation is the process of removing the excess skin and fat layer on the inner parts of the legs with weight gain, gravity, fat accumulation and correcting the inner contour of the leg.

    Thigh Lifting is a procedure performed under general anesthesia and in the operating room. After the operation, the patient can be discharged from the hospital the next day. In this operation, excess sagging skin and fat tissues are removed with an incision on the leg's inside. By stretching the inner part of the leg upwards, a straight and taut inner leg is obtained.

    Autologous Implant is a breast repair surgery performed by removing the skin, fat, and sometimes muscle tissue from elsewhere in the body. The patient's tissues during breast repair are taken mainly from the abdomen, back, inner leg and buttocks.

    When breast reshaping is performed with patients' tissues, this appearance remains the same throughout life. In the case of shaping with a prosthesis, it may be necessary to replace the prosthesis after 10 or 20 years.

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