What is Hair Transplant? | Ameno Life

What is Hair Transplant?

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair loss is a common problem among many adult women and men. It may develop due to stress, genetic factors, drugs, and many other reasons. Thanks to hair treatment in Turkey, the problem of hair thinning or baldness can be eliminated. Hair follicles taken from donor areas, especially nape roots, are transplanted into bald spots.

Today, hair transplant procedures are mostly applied within the scope of FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) methods. Ameno Life, one of the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, offers you professional service and support to achieve the hair of your dreams.

How is Hair Transplant Performed?

Hair transplant varies according to the method to be applied. However, basically, the logic of all applications is similar. Before the application, your doctor identifies the donor area where the hair follicles will be taken and determines the new hairline. Then the operation process begins.

Hair transplantation is performed under local anesthesia. Hair follicles are collected from the donor area. Within the scope of FUE, follicular channels are opened in the place to be planted. Then the hair roots are planted in these channels. Thanks to the channels opened with the microsurgery method, there is no need for any stitches after the operation.

In the DHI method, there is no need to open the follicular channel. The collected roots are transplanted directly to the area where hair thinning is seen. After the hair transplant operation, there is no need for hospitalization in the clinic, and the patient is discharged after a few hours.

Hair transplant price is affected by the operation type. Pricing differs according to the method to be applied. The hair thinning and donor area is examined in detail during the doctor's examination. After this examination, the specialist doctor determines the most suitable hair transplant method for the person.

Who Can Have Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is a method that can be applied to every adult woman and man from the beginning of 19-the 20s to the age of 65. However, the hair transplant method may only apply to some people with special conditions.

While evaluating the patient, the doctor considers whether the person is suitable for a hair transplant. Candidates who will undergo hair transplants must comply with the following criteria.

  • The patient must have completed his physical development
  • It should not have a physiological disease that may prevent a hair transplant
  • There should be enough hair follicles in the donor area where the hair follicle will be taken
  • There should be enough space for hair implants in the area to be transplanted.

What are the Points to Consider After Hair Transplant?

There are some topics that people who have hair treatment in Turkey should pay attention to after the treatment. Thanks to these heads, it is possible to accelerate the healing process and support the successful outcome of the operation. First, lying upright for three days after the procedure is recommended. The scalp should not come into contact water within 72 hours after hair transplantation.

After the third day, the hair can be washed under your doctor's recommended conditions. At the end of the hair transplant treatment, the patient should rest for a certain period. You can return to work 7-10 days after the procedure within your doctor's recommendations. During the healing process, the scalp should be protected from the sun.

During the first three weeks, alcohol and smoking consumption should be avoided. Light-intensity exercises such as walking can be continued. However, intense physical activities should be avoided for the first month. The patient is informed in detail about what needs to be considered after a hair transplant in the applications performed within the scope of the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey.

Does the Transplanted Hair Fall Out Again?

Hair transplant is a permanent solution developed against baldness and hair loss. Determining the ideal hair transplant method and applying this method correctly increases the success rate of the treatment. To avoid losing the transplanted hair again, people should prefer a professional hair transplant center.

At this point, Ameno Life, one of the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, comes to the fore with its experience in the sector. Thanks to the doctors and hair transplant technicians who are specialized in the field of hair transplant, people reach a permanent solution to their hair loss problem.

Hair treatment is one of the most popular medical applications in Turkey. While the hair transplant price is more affordable in Turkey than in European countries, it varies between clinics. People who want up-to-date information about hair transplant prices can contact Ameno Life patient representatives.

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