Obesity Surgery | Ameno Life

Obesity Surgery

Obesity Surgery

Surgical operations that provide permanent weight loss for those who cannot lose weight with diet, sports and similar weight loss methods are called "Bariatric Surgery". Bariatric surgery is recommended for patients with the following problems.

  • Patients who have diet and exercise under the therapist's control for a long time cannot lose weight.
  • Patients with body mass index above 40.
  • Patients who have diet and exercise under the therapist's control for a long time cannot lose weight.
  • With the development of new technological methods, the success rate of today's obesity surgeries has increased considerably compared to the old obesity surgeries. The risk of postoperative complications is significantly reduced. However, the recovery time after treatment was shortened.

    Ameno Life has adopted the principle of 100% patient satisfaction with its professional consultancy service and state-of-the-art contracted hospitals and specialist doctor staff. You can decide on the most appropriate treatment method with our specialist doctors. Moreover, you can reach your ideal weight with the professional counselling we provide during treatment.

    Obesity Surgical Methods

    The Gastric Balloon is placed in the stomach in about 10 minutes. After the treatment, you can leave the hospital after resting for 1-2 hours. You will not feel any discomfort after the procedure. Gastric balloons create a feeling of satiety in the person. In addition, it reduces the feeling of hunger by delaying gastric emptying with the hormone Ghrelin.

    Thanks to the volume they occupy in the stomach, Gastric balloons enable people to eat less and reach the ideal weight earlier than the standard diet. We aim to ensure that the person prefers portions with high nutritional value and low-calorie content. We also aim for the patient to turn this habit into a lifestyle that will meet their daily needs.

    Since the gastric balloon remains in the stomach for a long time, such as 6-12 months, it becomes easier to gain healthy and regular eating habits. In other words, you will have a perfect body with the gastric balloon effect.

    Today, approximately 50% of obesity surgeries are performed with Gastric Bypass surgery. Weight loss surgery can be a life-saving intervention for some people who cannot lose weight on their own. Some patients cannot eliminate excess body fat just by diet and exercise. After Gastric Bypass Surgery, patients lose approximately 30% to 50% of their excess weight within six months.

    One of the most commonly used methods in obesity surgery is Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery. Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery removes a large part of the stomach with laparoscopic management and shapes it into a tube. Gastric sleeve surgeries are also used as transition management in obese patients. It is an effective method used to prepare the patient for bypass surgeries.

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